On july 4th 2014 in Athens, Greece (hosted by the University of Athens) the first WG1 "Clinical' was attended by 17 participants. The countries represented were: Greece, The Netherlands, Portugal, Italy, Spain, Sweden, Poland, The Czech Republic, Romania, and Malta.

The meeting proved very productive in that it led to consensus-based decisions about the work-group aims, yearly estimated progress of our work group,  rich brainstorm sessions, a plan of action for the coming years, and a first step in the development of a questionnaire. Data gathered from a variety of clinicians across Europe by means of this questionnaire will lead to a description of the 'Clinical' status quo in Europe in tinnitus healthcare & assessment in the first year. Combining these results a stepped-care tinnitus health-care and assessment proposal will be drafted. This proposal will be assessed by using the 'Delphi' method, after which we aim to provide a description of 'Consensus-based, harmonized, and adaptive guidelines for demographic and clinical assessment of tinnitus-patients' by the end of the TINNET project.


TINNET is a European research network funded from April 11, 2014 to April 10, 2018 by the COST program under the Action number BM1306.

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